University of Belgrade
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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Transport of dangerous goods

Transport of dangerous goods in Serbia is regulated by the Law on transport of dangerous goods, agreements on international dangerous goods transport: ADR, RID and ADN, as well as series of subordinate regulations.

CIAH Laboratory is appointed and certified inspection body in Serbia in accordance to aforementioned regulations by The Ministry of Construction, Traffic and Infrastructure to carry out the testing and inspection of vehicles, tanks, battery vehicles, MEGC and packaging used for the transport of dangerous goods.

CIAH Laboratory organizes, in accordance to the license of The Ministry of Construction, Traffic and Infrastructure, a professional training of candidates for an advisor for transport of dangerous goods, as well as other trainings in this field, upon request.

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The inspection of vehicles for dangerous goods transport

In accordance to ADR Agreement, every vehicle of categories N and O, types FL, AT, EX/II, EX//III and MEMU, has to meet the requirements of said Agreement.

Every complete or completed vehicle has to go through an initial inspection, as well as an inspection of technical characteristics once a year in a country it has been registered in.

The conformity of a vehicle has to be endorsed via a certificate of vehicle approval, which is issued in Serbia by an appointed inspection body (ADR Certificate).

Approval certificate is valid for a year from the day of the inspection of technical characteristics that preceded its issuance.

Accredited inspection body, CIAH Laboratory, is appointed by The Ministry of Construction, Traffic and Infrastructure to assess the dangerous goods transport vehicle compliance, that is for the inspection for issuance of ADR Certificate.

For the inspection, the following documentation is to be provided:


Nenad Jovanović, +381 (0) 62 295 839;
еmail: [email protected]

Ivan Ivanković, +381 (0) 62 295 729;
еmail: [email protected]

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Type approval

According to the ADR/RID Agreements, battery vehicles and MEGC are subjected to the following inspections – conformity assessments:

Accredited inspection body, CIAH Laboratory, is appointed and certified by The Ministry of Construction, Traffic and Infrastructure to assess:
Nenad Jovanović, +381 (0) 62 295 839;
еmail: [email protected]

Vlastimir Joksimović, +381 (0) 62 295 268;
email: [email protected]

Ivan Ivanković, +381 (0) 62 295 729;
еmail: [email protected]

Tank type approval and initial inspection

For every new construction type of a tank, an inspection and testing for type approval is carried out, after which the certificate that the tested type, including the equipment, is approved to be used as intended and that it corresponds to the manufacturing requirements, equipment requirements and special conditions of substance transported in it is issued.

The manufacturer or their certified representative have to provide the documentation containing following information in order for a type approval inspection to take place:

For initial testing, the following documentation is needed:

Type approval for battery vehicle and MEGC

For every new type of construction of a battery vehicle or MEGC, inspection and testing takes place for the type approval, after which the certificate is issued confirming that the tested type, including its equipment, is appropriate to be used and complies with manufacturing requirements, equipment requirements and special conditions for substances to be transported.

Documentation to be provided for the type approval is defined by the inspection body depending on the battery vehicle/MEGC and requirements of the standard.

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Inspection of a tank during exploitation

According to ADR/RID Agreement, tank bodies and parts of their equipment undergo the following inspections during exploitation:

Periodic inspection of tanks is carried out in intervals of maximum of 6 years for tank vehicles (ADR), and 8 years for rail tanks (RID). Intermediate inspection is carried out in the middle of aforementioned intervals.

For periodic inspection, the following documentation or its photocopies are to be provided:
For intermediate inspection, the following documentation or its photocopies are to be provided:
The documentation for exceptional checks depends on type of an inspection and is to be provided upon request.


Nenad Jovanović, +381 (0) 62 295 839;
еmail: [email protected]

Ivan Ivanković, +381 (0) 62 295 729;
еmail: [email protected]

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For each new packaging type, construction type testing is carried out. Also, for the IBC, inspections during exploitation in regular time intervals are carried out.

Accredited inspection body, CIAH Laboratory, is appointed by The Ministry of Construction, Traffic and Infrastructure for determination of compliance of packaging.

Apart from the application and samples for testing the construction type, the following is to be provided:

Apart from the application for periodic inspection of IBC, it is necessary to provide the technical documentation for IBC.

Professor Branislav Rakićević, PhD, tel. +381 (0) 63 8252 191;
email: [email protected]

Vlastimir Joksimović, tel. +381 (0) 62 295 268; (for periodic control of IBC)
email: [email protected]

Safety advisor

In accordance with The law on transport of dangerous goods, as well as endorsed agreements on transport of dangerous goods (ADR/RID/ADN), every company in dangerous goods transport sector (including delivery, packaging, loading, unloading) has to have one or more dangerous goods transport safety advisors (except the cases stated in ADR/RID/ADN or The law on transport of dangerous goods).

Safety advisor, whose assignments are defined in aforementioned regulations, has to have a valid certificate for appropriate transport type. In Serbia, the certificate is issued by The Ministry of Construction, Traffic and Infrastructure. In order to gain a certificate, a candidate is to finish the training and pass the exam organized by mentioned Ministry.

Professional training of a candidate for safety advisor in Serbia is carried out by the organization licensed by The Ministry of Construction, Traffic and Infrastructure.

CIAH Laboratory, according to the license issued by The Ministry of Construction, Traffic and Infrastructure, conducts professional training of candidates for the safety advisors in dangerous goods transport in road (ADR) and railway (RID) transport, 45-60 days before the day of the exam.

Exam dates can be accessed at

The training takes place on the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in specialized classrooms. The training lasts for three days + 1 consultation day before the exam.

Vlastimir Joksimović, tel. +381 (0) 62 295 268;
email: [email protected]

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
CIAH Laboratory
Kraljice Marije 16, 11120 Belgrade 35
Phone: +381 11 3370 854
e-mail: [email protected]

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